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Conferences and Presentations

Kaj Kandler presented at the following Conferences and online events. The list also includes related materials, such as articles announcing the presentations or video recordings of the presentation.

WBS Coding School - Alumni Talk

Data to fame: Kaj's playbook for building a powerful online brand

On Nevember 15th, Kaj Kandler will present "Data to fame: Kaj's playbook for building a powerful online brand".

Join Kaj Kandler, founder of Entity Garden and a graduate of our Data Science bootcamp, as he reveals how the program equipped him to reshape his career and enhance his online presence. Kaj will break down his top 4 strategies for becoming "Google Famous", including tips on web scraping, NLP (Natural Language Processing), and mastering personal branding. Learn how to build a powerful digital identity that gets you noticed by employers and clients alike.

Don’t miss this chance to gain actionable insights from someone who’s been there!

Sign up to the presentation via Meetup, Nov 10AM.

JUC West 2015

In 2015 I gave a presentation about "Developing Enterprise-Ready Plugins" at the Jenkins User Conference U.S. West. This presentation is also available on YouTube. I presented what we learned developing the "Jenkins Plugin for Black Duck Software". The plugin allowed "Open Source Discovery" as part of a Jenkins build pipeline.

Sapphire 1995

While at SAP I presented to the annual SAP Users Conference, called SAPPHIRE. It's such a long time ago that I don't remember what my presentation was all about. I just remember that I had a intimidating audience of ~ 400 people in a big auditorium. While I was used to giving trainings in front of 10 -20 people, such a big audience did scare me a bit. The best memory of that presentation I still remember today was getting the people's attention by making a joke about my name.

I attended SAPPHIRE the next year (1996) again. However, I was only part of the staff at the booth and did not give a presentation. I was part of the new team informing SAP customers about the brand new module SAP Environmental, Health & Safety (SAP EH&S).

See also Kaj Kandler's resume and articles published.